Kickstarter Campaign 1 - Campaña Kickstarter 1 - Locommunist/Chiauni Travels
Kickstarter Campaign 1 - Campaña Kickstarter 1 - Locommunist/Chiauni Travels
Locommunist - Kickstarter Campaign Kickstarter Campaign:
Start of campaign January 1, 2019 Profile Kickstarter:
Instragram: @jeduardo1990
Twitter: @90JEduardo
Facebook: Jesus Eduardo G D
I have worked for this project for two years. I have finished the design of the application (design) and the "Frequently Asked Questions" section. And an "Executive Summary".
Project Name: TravelSpecial
Alternative Names:
1.- Chiuani Travel
2.- Guru Travel
3.- Locommunist
"Chiuani" in "Nahuatl" means "specialist". According to "".
*Important note:
For the correct operation of the application you will need a communication or relationship with the institutional organisms in charge of Tourism and Public Security.
For example, having "registered" the "guides" (Client - partner) to avoid crimes. Also at a certain moment ("in a certain time") the servers and the "Database" will pass to the institutions mentioned above.
In the case of Mexico:
Just as your "registration" must be in the "Ministry of Tourism" and / or "Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare"
* In the case of the United States:
Your "registration" in the "Department of Transportation" and / or "Department of Labor" in the United States.
* In the case of Canada:
Your "registration" in the "Ministry of Small Business and Tourism" and / or "Ministry of Employment; Labor Development and Labor" of Canada.
So the company will only be responsible for maintaining and updating the application and creating new ones.
Here in Mexico, the institutional body in charge of supervising and monitoring tourism is the "Secretariate of Tourism".
Pitch Elevator:
Specialized trips according to the interests of the clients, tourist, cultural, gastronomic, shopping, health, business, entertainment and general.
Participation of the community (as "guides" for payment for time of service) as well as travel agency, offering "tours" and "activities" depending on the categories and interests of the clients through a web page (an application for mobile devices a future).
Advertising space for any company that relates to tourism.
Expansion ideas
Differentiation of the competition:
1.- Adaptability to the client-user and client-company.
2.- Shared business model and freelance.
3.- Possibility of relationship with associations and Tourism Secretariat.
Customer Segment:
Men and women from 18 to 50 years of age, who visit the city of Mazatlan, Sinaloa; of medium high socioeconomic level.
Travel agencies, with operation in the city of Mazatlan, Sinaloa.
*Important note:
Differences such as excess money will be used for "Phase 2".
Or for complications, such as currency exchange, taxes, "surprise procedures" (very common in Mexico), printed copies.
Hello my name is Jesus Eduardo and this is my project. . . Locommunist
No one knows a place better than its own inhabitants.
Locommunist is a specialized travel application according to the interests of customers, cultural, gastronomic, shopping, economic, entertainment and general.
Community participation (as "guides", which we call "client-partners"; for payment for service time) as well as travel agency, offering "tours" and "activities" depending on the categories and interests of customers .
Service categories:
Cultural: Architecture, magical towns, archaeological ruins, museums, music, events.
Gastronomic: Try from typical dishes to international dishes, visit restaurants, bars, cafes, canteens and buffets.
Shopping: Buy crafts, visit large shopping centers
Entertainment: Events, theater, music, exhibitions, amusement parks, family or adult entertainment.
Economic: All prices with discounts, low prices tailored to lower middle class.
General: Ask your “guide” to take you wherever you want, during the time you have contracted.
New categories soon.
We have learned a lot from similar applications, and we have thought about how to correct them.
We are not a travel agency, we are a tool for travel agency and tourist agencies.
On the issue of security, it is impossible for any company to have the security of all its users, especially for those in public environments. Therefore, we have integrated various media for our daily users. But, especially in our "guides", customers-partners; which is very different for our normal users; customers, occasional or frequent.
To do this before any "guide" begins to collaborate; It requires a previous registration in government instances depending on the country, as well as tests or tests depending on the locality or area. For example:
1. Canada:
1.1. Ministry of Small Business and Tourism
1.2. Ministry of Employment, Labor Development and Labor
2. United States:
2.1. Department of Labor
2.2. Department of Transportation
3. Mexico:
3.1. Secretary of Tourism
3.2. Secretary of Labor and Social Security
But, good for that, clear cooperation with any of these governments was required.
Another important point is to improve relations between people from different countries and the countries themselves.
And the language problem, how do we solve it?
In the application in the "Guide Profile"; client-partner; You will be able to see what language it handles and its level of management.
Over time and with the approval of universities and other educational organizations, governmental or not; Companies and businesses will appear that, through tests and exams, will evaluate the level of language promoted in their “Guide Profile”, client-partner. And it will create new companies, businesses and jobs.
Twitter: @90JEduardo
Public Facebook Account: Jesus Eduardo G D
More information:
Thank you very much for your attention.
The application will be prepared by "Triple Solutions".


Unfortunately, I CANNOT GIVE PHYSICAL REWARDS. I do not understand or I can calculate (I have problems calculating) packaging, packaging, taxes, freight, shipping and what rewards I could give them. And in my current situation I can't give it. I'm so sorry please support me.
Thank you so much!!!!
Thank you very much for your support!!!!!
Jesús Eduardo Gutiérrez Diaz
Riesgos y desafíos
1.- Unfortunately, I CANNOT GIVE PHYSICAL REWARDS. I do not understand or I can calculate (I have problems calculating) packaging, packaging, taxes, freight, shipping and what rewards I could give them. And in my current situation I can't give it. I'm so sorry please support me.
2.- I have no direct contact with the governments of Mexico, the United States and Canada.
3.- It is said that by the beginning of 2020, the Mexican government will charge a 33% tax to any taxpayer who earns or obtains money online.
4.- I don't have my own computer or laptop, I only have the family laptop.
5.- The money is to be able to make the application, if I get more to be for the patent, lawyer and trademark registration.
6.- I will check everything and follow up on the campaign, before, during and after using the blog mentioned above and my social networks. As well as the development of the application (screenshots) regularly after the crowfounding campaign. Social networks mentioned in history.
7.- It may take a while to realize the rewards.
8.- Thank you so much for read.
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